
Opportunities for distribution by

  • Financial Organizations
  • Member based organizations
  • EAP Program Providers
  • Professional Service Providers
Legacy Tracker is a white label or co-branded solution for organizations that are looking for a meaningful way to create more valued (and profitable) relationships with clients/account holders/members. Legacy Tracker is a meaningful way to differentiate a brand in a busy marketplace. Being more valued has many benefits for those that provide LegacyTracker and we think better organized clients make for better clients or employees. Better Organization enables more proactive financial & estate planning and efficient and effective decision making which can lead to greater peace of mind for everyone.

Professional service providers of estate and executor services can utilize Legacy Tracker inside their office for maintaining customer records or as a value add or fee for service activity that they can provide to clients.

Opportunities for investment

Legacy Tracker would welcome investment by accredited investors who share our mission of bringing peace of mind to individuals and families that comes with having their key financial, legal and planning documents secure, organized and up to date.

Individuals and families are losing track of their assets at an alarming rate. In the United States where a National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators exists, the estimate is $58 billion of unclaimed property. In Canada, there are no clear facts since legislation relating to unclaimed property is not sparse. Most estimate the Canadian value to be $4 billion.

Unclaimed assets take a variety of forms including unclaimed bank accounts, savings bonds, insurance policies, stock certificates, pensions, RESP’s, dividends etc. We can expect that the value of unclaimed funds will grow as a result of increasing longevity and the significant push being placed on ‘paperless’ reporting. Legacy Tracker also helps families and individuals better prepare for emergency situations that all happen to be on the increase including death, incapacity, Identity Theft, Natural and Physical Disasters.

More generally, with the aging demographics (11,000 individuals are turning aged 65 each day for the next 20 years in North America), Legacy Tracker will help facilitate better and more effective planning, and will help facilitate important family discussions that many have put off, concerning estate planning and final wishes.

Legacy Tracker would particularly welcome investors who wish to take an active role in the company and feel passionate about the way Legacy Tracker can make a difference to many. If you are interested in learning more about such opportunities, please contact


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